Monday, February 4, 2013

Feb 2013

     This is our second blog of the year.  There will be one a month  until we either run out of news or simply run out............! We hope you enjoyed the first attempt?
     This is a picture of Vine Valley, New York where we will spend the summer and
 erect  "Dommeshoff"  (Domm's house) We hope many of you will come visit us and enjoy the area.  So far we have a sign, a well, and lots of snow, but by summer we will be there with a home and ready to party! We will tempt you with many more shots as time goes on.

     Margaret and I have been asked by our stake presidency to spend the year accompanying one of our high councilmen to speak with him once a month.  Naturally the topic for us is Family History.  Margaret did so well in January that a member came forward asked to make a copy of her talk. She told stories of you daughters and granddaughters that make time for helping in family history in various ways.  They did this in indexing, photo scrap booking, a video biography, ancestor photo displays, and attending the temple, all while attending to their young families.
      As for me I told a few stories that I felt would motivate the members to become more engaged in this great work.  One in particular I would share with you now.
     A few weeks ago a brother speaking  in our sacrament service told of an event in his life that had a great application to all of us as we face the trials of each new day.  He and his wife were living in Southern California at the time.  His wife one day, out of the blue, said she wanted to learn to scuba dive.  She said it had always been a dream of hers.  He was quite surprised as she had never discussed it with him before.  She requested that they do it together.  He had no interest nor intention of ever scuba diving and said no.  Over and over he dismissed the idea and  finally told her to go by herself and take the course.
She did go to the first class but came home in tears saying, "I can't take the course unless I have a partner.  Will you please be my partner?"  He felt her distress and finally did agreed.
     After a while diving he grew to like it very  much.  They past all their tests together but one.  To certify as scuba divers they had to dive in the Pacific Ocean to a depth of 100 feet.  On the day of the dive as they descended down and down into the depths of the ocean he looked up to the surface and for the first time had fear hit him.  "When you look up 100 feet under water and think if something goes wrong you could die."  he thought.  Then he knew why his wife had to have a partner.  They were together to keep each other safe from harm and stay alive.
    At a depth of 100 feet they were just above a sand bar.  There were hundreds of fish to see.  But he could never stop drifting and turning in the currents of the ocean.  He was constantly being pushed around and out of control. Then their instructor told them to simply drop to their knees on the sand bar.  Almost immediately they became somewhat stable.  Then the instructor told them that to become even more solid and in control against the currents to reach out their arms and hold fast to the arm or shoulder of their neighbor in the circle.  Immediately everything became as solid as if they were on dry land.
     I cannot help but to liken this principle to us in our struggles against the destroying currents all around us.  Everyday Satin pushes us and turn us into dangerous ways.  We are constantly being tempted in areas that are dangerous to our bodies and souls. To avoid the destroying currents of this world we must be grounded in the gospel.  When trouble begins to flow around us let us first drop to our knees before our God and then reach out to those who love and care for us, joining our arms around theirs for stability.  Our friends, our family and even our ancestors are their to provide that sure bedrock of support that will get us through our trials. No destroying currents or winds can affect us if we hold fast to those we love and trust in God.
In closing we have this promise from the scriptures.  "Therefore, fear not, little flock; do good; let earth and hell combine against you, for if ye are built upon my rock, they cannot prevail."  D & C 6:34

     It seems hard to believe that we are nearing the end of our mission to the Family History Library.  We are done at the end of April.  Where has the time gone? We have had nothing but joy working there.  We have made many lasting friendships and seen a few sad things such as the passing of a few of our colleges.
In our one year so much has changed.  New Family Search has been terminated as Family Tree opens to the Church and soon to the public.  I hope we can always stay involved, if only to go there and dive deeply into family research and be undisturbed for hours at a time.

On a lighter side here are a few whimsical anecdotes you might like:

Never bet on a horse name "Tripod".

Q.  What did the Buddhist monk say to the hot dog vendor?
A.  Make me one with everything

Q.  How do you spot a vegan at a party?
A.  Don't worry they'll tell you

     Can you guess what this is in Margaret's hand.  A glass plate?  No.  It is an ice plate we took off the top of a walkway divider on Temple Square during our sub zero days last month.  Mother nature can show us her beauties in many ways. It took us 2 1/2 hours to get to Salt Lake on this day because of the ice on the freeway.  At 8 mile per hour we were sliding all over the place. So we crawled into downtown Salt Lake. 

     Till next month be happy and well.  And know that our arms are always reaching out to help join us together no matter what may come or where we may be.

George and Margaret

PS  We do not have the email addresses of all the family members.  We especially need the addresses of the grandchildren so we can include the entire family in the blog.

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